NYC-based actor and writer
making films with conversation-starting storytellers
Explorations of life on screen, in therapy, and on the page.

Let’s make movies

Hey, it’s me Justin.
actor, writer, filmmaker
I’m the melancholy goober-next-door and a fierce mental health advocate.
I’m known for my genuine demeanor, deadpan comedy, and subtle vulnerability. I’m that guy who clearly has Feelings (and knows how to articulate them), but who also likes to joke about being the guy without a dog hanging out at the dog park.
You can see me in the feature film Myth, now available on Amazon Prime, and in You Look Great, a short film I also wrote and directed that was inspired by personal experiences with eating disorders.
“Davis is excellent as a young guy on a mind-bending odyssey, bringing in the audience as he tries to work out what's actually happening around him."
Imagine catching the neighborhood tech guy at an open mic reading poetry about going to therapy. I’m kinda like that.
I received my MFA in Creative Writing from the New School. (In poetry, obviously.) But after graduating, my vision of book-writing and professoring never materialized. So, I decided to try something way out of character: acting. I caught the bug almost immediately, and proceeded to cut my teeth at The Barrow Group over a year-long apprenticeship and many, many scene study classes. Then, one day, all this newfound freedom and fun became the beginnings of a career – and I haven’t looked back since.
Outside of acting and writing, I consider myself a mental health advocate and place great importance on starting and engaging in conversations that eliminate the stigma surrounding therapy, medication, and seeking help.
Whether it’s through writing, performing, or just talking, I intend on sharing myself and my stories so that someone else out there will feel more heard and seen.